#2015 Writing the South: Portraits in Black and White

06/25/2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT


#2015 Writing the South: Portraits in Black and White - NEW DATE June 25

Instructor: Durthy Washington

For most readers, the phrase “Southern writer” evokes images of white authors such as William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, and Eudora Welty. But the phrase also applies to black authors such as Richard Wright, Alice Walker, and Ernest Gaines.

Clearly, Faulkner’s South was radically different from Wright’s. This course will focus on some of the unique elements of Southern literature (such as “Southern Gothic”) and explore portraits of “the South” as reflected in selected works of both black and white authors.


Durthy Washington, MA in English from San Jose State University. She has taught literature and composition at several colleges and universities including UCCS, Colorado College, and the U.S. Air Force Academy. Her classes focus on helping students “unlock” literature through mindful, culturally responsive reading.

Location: Zoom

Tuesday, June 1, 10am

$30 Non-PILLAR Member/$20 PILLAR Member